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Nioprobe Product Sheet

The Problem

The physical probe used in AFM imaging is not ideally sharp. As a consequence, an AFM image does not reflect the true sample topography impartially, but rather represents the interaction of the tip with the sample surface. There is no avoiding this imperfection, which sets real limits on what may be validly inferred from an AFM image.

Whether one is engaged in detailed, quantitative metrology or is simply using AFM images as a interpretive aid, it is imperative be able to assess these limits. The key here is to possess a reliable estimate of the sharpness of the tip apex. Reverse imaging of the probe is the most convenient means of obtaining the effective radius of the probe. For this purpose, the ideal characterization sample would consist of small, stiff, spiked features.

The Practical Answer is NioProbe

Consider the following advantages of NioProbe:

NioProbe's price is competitive with that of other characterization samples on the market. The film is supplied on a chip of silicon, ready to be placed in your AFM. Instructions are provided to allow easy determination of the apex radius. If stored in a clean, dry place, the sample can provide years of service.

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